About Us
Established in 2018
Hidden Blossom Farm is situated on 134 acres in Union, Connecticut. We specialize in pasture raised beef, flavorful tomatoes and vegetables, and family heirloom fresh figs.
We currently sell our beef at the farm by appointment only. Give us a call to place an order. You can also find us at the Sturbridge Farmers Market on Sundays from June-October and at Echo Farm in Woodstock, CT.

Farming Practices
Our Hereford cattle are rotationally grazed on pasture. Joe Orefice, owner operator of the farm, is a professional forester and has a PhD in agroforestry. This combination knowledge allows us to practice silvopasture on the farm, which is the sustainable integration of livestock, trees, and forage. Silvopasture is considered by many to be one of the most important nature based climate solutions. At the very least, our cows enjoy the shade of fruit and timber trees while grazing on nutritious forage.
We also grow vegetables in our two 30'x96' high tunnels. Our produce varieties and cultivation practices are customized to have amazing flavors. Our tomatoes are especially well loved for their appeal to our customers' taste buds.

Family Heirloom Figs
We grow family heirloom fig trees and sell fresh figs in late summer and early fall. We have a few varieties of figs on the farm, but our favorite are the trees which are clones of a twig Joe's great grandfather brought over from Faicchio, Italy in 1938.
We specialize in high quality, full-flavor vegetables ripened on the plant. Our growing methods are all natural and we never use pesticides or synthetic fertilizers on our vegetables. In fact, our fertilizer comes from our very own herd of grassfed cattle and pastured poultry. Jointly raising livestock and vegetables allows us to maximize nutrient cycling on-farm, increase our sustainability, and provide customers with nutrient dense food.
Above all, our growing practices yield vegetables and fruits with amazing old world flavor. Try our tomatoes and we’re confident you’ll agree.